Thursday, September 30, 2010

Time to play catchup!!

It's been busy over here!  I had three awesome sessions this week, and haven't had a chance to blog them, so I thought it would be fun to put them all in one big post.  So here we go!!!

First of all  -Mindy and Justin. I love these two, and they are so much fun!  We had a great time, and one big *adventure* that shall remain a mystery. :)  Any session that starts with a fire truck and ends with mexican food is an A+ session in my book!!

The next session was all about adorable little girls, nature, and animals! SO much fun!!!

Annnnnd finally.....this little boy is just as sweet as he is adorable! We had a TON of fun, and even some playtime afterwards!! And we didn't find ANY crocodiles. ;)

Thanks again to ALL of my awesome clients! You are the ones who make my job such a joy! :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Waterball Tournament

I have been so slow in posting these, but am finally getting it done.  I was fortunate enough to photograph our local fire department's waterball tournament on Labor Day weekend.  It was a blast to watch, and good to see these local heroes able to have a good time. :) Here are a few of the images!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Labor Day!!

Just a quick post to say that I hope everyone has a wonderful labor day weekend, and a reminder to be safe!  It's about time I got back on track and posted a post with PHOTOS! So here are a few from a session that goes with the theme of Labor Day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'mmmmmm Baaackkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been SO busy, and also a bit under the weather.  This all has led to me neglecting my poor blog, and other social networking sites. HOWEVER, now I'm back and getting ready to catch up in a big way with sneak peeks, and some awesome information! Stay tuned!